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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - best


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~1 adj (superlative of good) 1 better than anything else or anyone else in quality, skill, effectiveness etc  (He was the best teacher in the school. | What's the best way to cook this fish? | The best thing to do is to stop worrying. | easily the best/by far the best (=much better than anything else))  (I've read all her books but `Middlemarch' is easily the best. | it's best to)  (It's best to clean the wall before you paint it) 2 best dress/shoes/clothes etc clothing that you keep for special occasions  (You ought to wear your best shirt.) 3 best friend the friend that you know and like better than anyone else 4 the next best thing something that is not exactly what you want but is as similar to it as possible  (The next best thing to being with her was to phone and talk.) 5 best of all used to introduce the one fact about a situation that is even better than the other good things  (Yeah, my dad's getting a new car - and best of all, he's going to give me the old one!)  (- see also be on your best behaviour behaviour (2), your best bet bet2 (3), the best/better part of part1 (6)) ~2 adv (superlative of well) 1 in a way that is better than any other; most well  (It works best if you let it warm up first. | The glacier can best be viewed from above. | the best-dressed man in Paris) 2 to the greatest degree; most  (You know him best - you should ask him. | Which did you like best, the music or the dancing? | one of our best-loved old cathedrals) 3 for reasons best known to herself/himself used to say that you cannot understand why someone has done something  (For reasons best known to herself, she arrived dressed in a gorilla suit!) 4 as best you can spoken as well as you can, even if this is not very good  (I'll translate it as best I can, but my German is very rusty.) 5 had best spoken ought to  (You'd best stay at home till you get over that cold.) ~3 n 1 a) the best, most helpful, most successful etc situation or results that you can achieve  (We all want the best for our children. | It's the best we can do in the circumstances.) b) the person or thing that is better than any other  (She's the best of the new young writers.) 2 do your best to try as hard as you can to do something  (As long as you do your best we'll be happy. | do your best to do sth)  (We'll do our best to finish it on time.) 3 at best used to emphasize that something is not very good, pleasant, honest, etc even if you consider it in the best possible way  (The city was at best an ordinary sort of place. | His answers were at best evasive, at worst very misleading.) 4 to the best of your knowledge/belief/ability used to say that something is as much as you know, believe, or are able to do  (I'm sure he'll do the work to the best of his ability.) 5 the best of both worlds a situation in which you have the advantages of two different things without any of the disadvantages  (They live in a village but it's only an hour from London so they have the best of both worlds.) 6 at your best performing as well or effectively as you are able to  (At her best, she's a really stylish player. | He was never at his best early in the morning.) 7 make the best of sth/make the best of a bad job to accept an unsatisfactory situation, and do whatever you can to make it less bad  (We are stuck here so we might as well make the best of it.) 8 the best of a bad lot the least bad person or thing in a group of not very good people or things 9 all the best used to express good wishes to someone for the future  (All the best for the New Year!) 10 Sunday best old-fashioned your best clothes, which you only wear on special occasions 11 be for the best especially spoken used to say that a particular event may not be as bad as it seems  (I still don't want him to go but maybe it's for the best.) 12 at the best of times if something is not very good, pleasant etc at the best of times, it is usually even worse than this  (It's not a very exciting town at the best of times.) ~4 v old use to defeat someone
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Best is the superlative of good. If you want further information the best thing to do is have a word with the driver as you get on the bus... It’s not the best place to live if you wish to develop your knowledge and love of mountains. 2. Best is the superlative of well. James Fox is best known as the author of White Mischief. 3. The best is used to refer to things of the highest quality or standard. We offer only the best to our clients... He’ll have the best of care. ? worst N-SING: the N 4. Someone’s best is the greatest effort or highest achievement or standard that they are capable of. Miss Blockey was at her best when she played the piano... One needs to be a first-class driver to get the best out of that sort of machinery. N-SING: oft poss N 5. If you say that something is the best that can be done or hoped for, you think it is the most pleasant, successful, or useful thing that can be done or hoped for. A draw seems the best they can hope for... The best we can do is try to stay cool and muddle through. N-SING: the N 6. If you like something best or like it the best, you prefer it. The thing I liked best about the show was the music... Mother liked it best when Daniel got money... What was the role you loved the best? = most ADV: ADV after v, oft the ADV 7. Best is used to form the superlative of compound adjectives beginning with ‘good’ and ‘well’. For example, the superlative of ‘well-known’ is ‘best-known’. 8. see also second best, Sunday best 9. You can say ‘All the best’ when you are saying goodbye to someone, or at the end of a letter. Wish him all the best, and tell him we miss him. CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 10. You use best of all to indicate that what you are about to mention is the thing that you prefer or that has most advantages out of all the things you have mentioned. It was comfortable and cheap: best of all, most of the rent was being...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective, superlative of good  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English betst; akin to Old English bot remedy — more at better  Date: before 12th century  1. excelling all others the ~ student  2. most productive of good ; offering or producing the greatest advantage, utility, or satisfaction what is the ~ thing to do  3. most, largest it rained for the ~ part of their vacation  II. adverb, superlative of well  Date: before 12th century  1. in the ~ way ; to greatest advantage some things are ~ left unsaid  2. most those ~ able will provide needed support  III. noun  (plural ~)  Date: before 12th century  1. the ~ state or part  2. one that is ~ the ~ falls short  3. the greatest degree of good or excellence  4.  a. one's maximum effort do your ~  b. a ~ performance or achievement ran a new personal ~  5. ~ clothes Sunday ~  IV. transitive verb  Date: 1863 to get the better of ; outdo  V. verbal auxiliary  Date: 1914 had ~ you ~ listen BEST  biographical name Charles Herbert 1899-1978 Canadian (American-born) physiologist ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., adv., n., & v. --adj. (superl. of GOOD) of the most excellent or outstanding or desirable kind (my best work; the best solution; the best thing to do would be to confess). --adv. (superl. of WELL(1)). 1 in the best manner (does it best). 2 to the greatest degree (like it best). 3 most usefully (is best ignored). --n. 1 that which is best (the best is yet to come). 2 the chief merit or advantage (brings out the best in him). 3 (foll. by of) a winning majority of (a certain number of games etc. played) (the best of five). 4 = Sunday best. --v.tr. colloq. defeat, outwit, outbid, etc. Phrases and idioms all the best an expression used to wish a person good fortune. as best one can (or may) as effectively as possible under the circumstances. at best on the most optimistic view. at one's best in peak condition etc. at the best of times even in the most favourable circumstances. be for (or all for) the best be desirable in the end. best end of neck the rib end of a neck of lamb etc. for cooking. best man the bridegroom's chief attendant at a wedding. the best part of most of. best seller 1 a book or other item that has sold in large numbers. 2 the author of such a book. do one's best do all one can. get the best of defeat, outwit. give a person the best admit the superiority of that person. had best would find it wisest to. make the best of derive what limited advantage one can from (something unsatisfactory or unwelcome); put up with. to the best of one's ability, knowledge , etc. as far as one can do, know, etc. with the best of them as well as anyone. Etymology: OE betest (adj.), bet(o)st (adv.), f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. самое лучшее, высшая степень (чего-л) 2. выходное платье Sunday best —- праздничное платье 3. лучшие люди; наиболее квалифицированные, знающие работники he is among the best in his profession —- он один из лучших специалистов в своей области with the best —- наравне с лучшими; не хуже других Id: all for the best —- все к лучшему Id: at best —- в лучшем случае Id: to be at one's best —- быть в ударе; быть в наилучшем виде Id: to do one's best —- сделать все возможное, не щадить усилий, проявлять максимум энергии Id: to have the best of it —- взять верх, победить, одолеть (в споре) Id: to make the best of it —- мужественно переносить несчастья, не падать духом в беде Id: to make the best of smth —- использовать что-л. наилучшим образом; мпримириться с неизбежным Id: to make the best of one's way —- идти как можно скорее, спешить Id: to the best of one's ability —- в полную меру сил Id: to the best of my belief —- насколько мне известно 4. лучший the best thing —- лучше всего; самое лучшее the best of wives —- лучшая из жен he feels best in the morning —- утром он чувствует себя лучше всего 5. самый подходящий the best man for the job —- наиболее подходящий человек для этой работы 6. больший the best part of smth. —- большая часть чего-л the best part of an hour —- почти час, добрый час 7. основной, главный the best of all trades —- самая важная...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  thrashing здоровая порка BEST seller noun  1) ходкая книга; бестселлер  2) автор ходкой книги BEST  1. adj.; superl. of good  1.  1) лучший  2) больший the best part of the week - большая часть недели  3) усиливает значение существительного - best liar - best thrashing  2. noun что-л. самое лучшее, высшая степень чего-л. at best - в лучшем случае if the best happened - в лучшем случае - do ones best - do ones level best - Sunday best bad is the best впереди ничего хорошего не будет to be at ones best быть на высоте; быть в ударе to get/have the best of it победить, взять верх (в споре и т.п.) - give best to have the best of the bargain быть в наиболее выгодном положении to make the best of smth.  а) использовать что-л. наилучшим образом;  б) мириться с чем-л. to make the best of it/a bad bargain/business/job мужественно переносить затруднения, несчастье; не унывать в беде to make the best of ones way идти как можно скорее, спешить to send ones best передавать, посылать привет - all the best to the best of ones ability по мере сил, способностей to the best of my belief насколько мне известно the best is the enemy of the good prov. лучшее - враг хорошего if you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have prov. если не имеешь лучшего, используй наилучшим образом то, что имеешь  3. adv. superl. of well II  1. лучше всего; больше всего the best hated man - самый ненавистный человек you had best confess - вам лучше всего...
Англо-русский словарь
  onc. abbr. Breast Examination Self Teaching lab. abbr. Bio Energetic Stress Testing physiol. abbr. Bio Energetic Stress Test physiol. abbr. Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique environ. abbr. Better Environmentally Sustainable Transport environ. abbr. Biosolids Ems Steering Team environ. abbr. Biomass Energy Sustainable Technology environ. abbr. Boosting Eco Socio Tourism environ. abbr. Bristol Environmentally Sustainable Transport U.S. gov. abbr. Browser Enabled Software Training U.S. gov. abbr. Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends transport. abbr. Better Environmentally Sound Transportation chemis. abbr. Better Enzyme Solution Training univ. abbr. Boosting Engineering Science And Technology univ. abbr. Boosting Engineering Science Technology univ. abbr. Beginning Educator Support and Training univ. abbr. Business Encourages Students And Teachers univ. abbr. Business Education School Of Technology univ. abbr. Board Of European Students Of Technology univ. abbr. Bilingual Exceptional Students Team univ. abbr. Baylor Employee Search Team univ. abbr. Bridging Engineers Science And Teaching univ. abbr. Baccalaureate Education System Trust univ. abbr. Bridging Education Science And Training univ. abbr. The Bickford Entner Scholarship Trust univ. abbr. Boosting Engineering And Science Technology electron. abbr. Basic Easy Sockets Technology food abbr. Better Eaters Support Team adult abbr. Bastards Email Special Training network. abbr. Best Enumeration Of Snp Tags educ. abbr. Bringing Education And Science Together educ. abbr. Biology Education Software Taskforce educ. abbr. Building Effective Schools Together educ. abbr. Basic Early Skills Training educ. abbr. Building Early Strength Together educ. abbr. Behavioral And Educational Strategies For Teachers sport abbr. Baseball Enthusiasts For Strategic Table religion abbr. Bible English Sport And Trips gen. bus. abbr. Business Excellence Starts Today gen. bus. abbr. Building Excellent Sales Teams gen. bus. abbr. Building Effective Solutions...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - reduced by assimilation of -t- from O.E. betst, originally superlative of bot "remedy, reparation," now surviving only in to boot, though its comparative, better, and superlative, best, transfered to good (and in some cases well). From P.Gmc. root *bat-, with comp. *batizon and superl. *batistaz. The verb "to get the better of" is from 1863. Best man is 1814, formerly groomsman. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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